Our PRO Discount for Makeup Artists

30% off for Professional MUA’s, 20% off for Students.


An Exclusive Discount for Our Professional Makeup Artists

As an industry professional makeup artist or a makeup artist student, you are eligible for a universal discount applicable to all POISE products that are sold on our website.

Read on for further details.

Who can apply:

  • Any Industry Professional Makeup Artists that currently work in the field will receive a 30% off discount.

  • Any Makeup Artist Students, who are currently enrolled with a minimum of 100 hours in any makeup program will receive a 20% discount.

How to apply:

We require several pieces of information in order for us to approve your discount and membership status with POISE. Find yours below.


We require digitally scanned copies of any two of the following items to be emailed to us prior to approval of your discount:

  • A Callsheet, with name credits on a professional letterhead
  • A Business card (stating your name and profession)
  • Your professional website address/personal freelance site address
  • An Agency Listing
  • A Business License with proof of ownership
  • A Makeup Union Card
  • A Letter of Reference from your employer or salon owner
  • Tear sheet with name credits
  • A Current Pay Stub
  • A Professional license


Please include one of the following:

  • Enrollment agreement showing date of course, name of course and hours on schools (on schools’ letterhead)
  • Letter of reference with date of course, name of course and hours (on schools’ letterhead)

Please submit the above required information in this Google Form according to your profession (Industry MUA or student).

All of your personal details will be used only for the purposes of verifying your identity, and profession/enrolment, and will not be disclosed or sold to any third-parties.

Upon approval from our team at POISE Beverly Hills, you will receive an email inviting you to create your personal login information. After completion you can start shopping on our site with your corresponding memership discount immediately.

By filling in this form, you acknowledge that you have read the instructions outlined on this page and consent to providing your personal information for the POISE membership program.
